Zandifar MD – Blog

8 Common Nose Job Myths

Woman breathing easier after a nose job in Beverly Hills CA

A rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a procedure that is performed to alter the shape and/or function of a person’s nose. It can be done for a variety of reasons, including for cosmetic purposes, to correct health concerns, and even to address birth defects or injuries. If you’re interested in undergoing a rhinoplasty, it’s important to do your research in order to find the right plastic facial plastic surgeon and achieve the results you have in mind. Check out these common nose job myths before scheduling your consultation with Dr. Zandifar in Beverly Hills.

1. Any Plastic Surgeon Can Perform a Nose Job

Just because someone is a plastic surgeon doesn’t mean that they are equipped to handle the intricacy of a surgery that’s as complex as a nose job. When searching for a plastic surgeon to perform your rhinoplasty, be sure to ask about their credentials and experience. It’s important to find a doctor who is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon as well as someone who has performed many rhinoplasties before. 

2. Rhinoplasty is a Very Simple Procedure

If you think that because noses are small, rhinoplasties should be relatively easy procedures, think again. Nose jobs are one of the most complicated plastic surgeries a person can undergo. This is because the smallest change can make a tremendous impact in terms of the way your nose looks and functions when the surgery is complete. 

3. You Can Get Any Nose You Want

Every nose exhibits a unique set of aesthetic and anatomical limitations. Depending on the size and shape of your nose, it may not be possible to achieve any nose that you have in mind. A good plastic surgeon will be clear about what shape and size nose can be achieved prior to your surgery.

4. Rhinoplasty is Painful

Undergoing a nose job should be a relatively painless experience. During surgery, you’ll be under general anesthesia, so you won’t feel or be aware of anything. After surgery, you’ll be given pain medications to ensure you stay comfortable as you heal. 

5. Only Women Get Nose Jobs

Nose jobs aren’t exclusively for women. Male nose jobs are more common than ever before. In fact, men are getting rhinoplasties to address not only the functional concerns of their noses but aesthetic concerns as well. 

6. They Look Fake

The results of your nose job will only be as good as the surgeon who performed the surgery. If you choose a well-qualified, experienced plastic surgeon, your nose job should look perfectly natural. 

7. It Will Affect My Smell or Breathing

In some cases, a rhinoplasty can impact your sense of smell and taste for a few weeks after your surgery. However, you should be able to breathe, smell, and taste normally within 6 weeks of your recovery. In fact, many people get a rhinoplasty in conjunction with septoplasty surgery to improve the look and function of their nose.

8. They’re Only Used for Cosmetic Reasons

While it’s common for people to have nose jobs in order to address cosmetic concerns, such as the size of their nose, there are many reasons a person may undergo a rhinoplasty. Nose jobs can help resolve congenital birth defects, trauma to your nose, and other medical concerns.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

You deserve to have a nose that is both attractive and functional. If you’re interested in changing the appearance of your nose or your healthcare provider has recommended a rhinoplasty for medical purposes, don’t wait to schedule your consultation. Dr. Zandifar is a facial and reconstructive surgery specialist based in Beverly Hills. Along with being a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Zandifar has extensive rhinoplasty experience and prides himself on providing exceptional care to every person he has the privilege of assisting. Contact us today to learn more about how rhinoplasty could benefit you!


Schedule Your Consultation Today

 Dr. Zandifar specializes in facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in Beverly Hills and the rest of Los Angeles. Contact our office and Dr. Zandifar and his team can help answer all of your cosmetic surgery questions. 

Beverly Hills Office

8920 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 604
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Santa Monica Office

2811 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 640
Santa Monica, CA 90403
